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【单曲】似水柔情~·~ I'd love you to want me  

2010-05-22 21:03:37|  分类: 欧美经典单曲 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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【单曲】似水柔情 i d love you to want me - 天涯 -




When I saw you standing there
I about fell off my chair
When you moved your mouth to speak
I felt the blood go to my feet

Now it took time for me to know
What you tried so not to show
Something in my soul just cried
I see the want in your blue eyes

Chorus :
Baby, I'd love you to want me
The way that I want you
The way that it should be
Baby, you'd love me to want you
The way that I want to
If you'd only let it be

You told yourself years ago
You'd never let your feelings show
The obligation that you made
For the title that they gave

Baby, I'd love you to want me
The way that I want you
The way that it should be
Baby, you'd love me to want you
The way that I want to
If you'd only let it be

Now it took time for me to know
What you tried so not to show
Something in my soul just cried
I see the want in your blue eyes

Baby, I'd love you to want me
The way that I want you
The way that it should be
Baby, you'd love me to want you
The way that I want to
If you'd only let it be

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