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【单曲】Tears from the moon  

2010-03-16 23:03:00|  分类: 欧美经典单曲 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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【单曲】Tears from the moon - 天涯 -



Tears from the moon

Couldn't sleep so I went out walking

Thinking about you and hearing us talking

And all the things I should have said

Echo now, inside my head

I feel something falling from the sky

I'm so sad I made the angels cry  

Tears from the moon

Fall down like rain

I reach for you

I reach in vain


Tears from the moon,

tears from the moon

It just ain't fair this thing called loving

When ONE'S STILL there and the other feels nothing

I would have done anything for you

I still love you, baby I adore you


All day I keep from falling apart

But at night when the sky gets dark

Tears from the moon

Fall down like rain

I reach for you

I reach in vain

Stop, Stop haunting me

It should be easy

As easy as when you stopped wanting me

Tears from the moon

Fall down like rain

I reach for you

I reach in vain

Tears from the moon

Fall down like rain

but tears from the moon

can't wash away the pain

Tears from the moon, tears from the moon

Tears from the moon, tears from the moon

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