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【单曲】Don't turn off the light 别关上灯  

2009-05-13 22:14:43|  分类: 欧美流行单曲 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Dont turn off the light - 天涯 -  

《天下足球》主题曲~~Don't turn off the light

enrique iglesias


I don't have to tell you   我不用全部告诉你

What this is all about   我心里在想什么

Cause baby half the fun is   因为这其中的乐趣就在于

In us figuring it up all out   我们彼此能心有灵犀

So why you gotta ask me   所以你为什么要问我

What I'm doing now   现在我在做什么

Cause I don't like to question   因为我不喜欢别人问我

What I still haven't found   我还不确定的事情

Chorus 合唱

So don't turn off the lights   所以不要关灯

I don't wanna be in the dark tonight   今晚我不想在黑暗中度过

’Cause I can't read your mind   因为我无法知道你在想什么

I need to know if what I'm doing is right   我不知道这样做对不对

So don't turn off the lights   所以请不要关灯

So tell me how we're gonna get there   告诉我我们怎样才能长相厮守

It's hard to even try   这很困难

But if we move together oh yeah, yeah   但是如果我们不离不弃

We'll end up on the second side   我们就不会再分离

Chorus 合唱

If you could know what I'm feeling   如果你知道我的感受

Would you run and where would you go   你会跑开吗你会去哪里

If you want to know what I'm thinking   如果你想知道我在想什么

Then just turn on the lights and you'll know   只要打开灯你就会知道

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