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【单曲】藤田惠美 and i love you so   

2008-10-16 22:23:51|  分类: 欧美经典单曲 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |



and i love you so  

and i love you so   我是如此的爱你
the people ask me how   人们问我是怎样
how i've lived till now   是怎样活到现在的
i tell them i don't know   我告诉他们 我也不清楚
i guess they understand   我猜想他们也许会明白的
how lonely life has been   生活是多么的孤独
but life began again   可你牵我手的那天
the day you took my hand   生活再次开启了
and yes i know how lonely(loveless)life van be   是的 我知道生活有多孤独
the shadows follow me   阴影笼罩着我
and the night won't set me free   黑夜不放过我
but i don't let the evening get(bring)me down   但是我不会让黑夜把我压倒
now that you're around me   现在你就在我身边
and you love me too   你也爱着我
your thoughts are just for me   你的思想只是为我准备的
you set my sporot free   你让我重获自由
i'm happy that you do   我很高兴你所做的一切
the book of life is brief   生活之书是很短暂的
and once a page is read   当你读过第一页时
all but love is dead   除了爱一切都已死了
that is my belief   那是我的信仰
and i love you so   我是如此的爱你
the people ask me how   人们问我是怎样
how i've lived till now   怎样的活到现在
i tell them i don't know   我告诉他们 我不知道


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