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【单曲】如水琴音,深情演绎 after all these years 多年以后...---Jim Brickman  

2008-09-29 12:19:42|  分类: 天籁钢琴 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

 Here we are
After all these years
Face to face
Heart to heart
And I've loved you from the start
But I never thought that we'd be standing here
After all these years

Here we are
With another song to sing
All these days
Pass us by
As we watched our childhood fly
And I'm still the one to share your hopes and fears
After all these years

After all these years
We still have each other
One to another
After all these years
You're still the one
And I'm still here
After all these years

And here we are
With another bridge to cross
Face to face
Heart to heart
And I loved you from the start
But I never thought that we'd be standing here
After all these years

And I've loved these days
All we've been through
And I'd just like to say
I'm so glad it's been you
Here's one more song from the heart
For the laughter and the tears
After all these years

After all these years...


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