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【单曲】Somebody's Always Saying Goodbye 总有人离开  

2008-11-04 20:18:59|  分类: 欧美经典单曲 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Somebody's Always Saying Goodbye   

Anne Murray with Jann Arden 

Railroad station, midnight trains   火车站 午夜的列车

Lonely airports in the rain   大雨中 空荡荡的机场

And somebody stands there with tears in their eyes   孤单的身影 湿润的眼眶

It's the same old scene, time after time   同一个情景 反复地上演

That's the trouble with all mankind   那就是人类的通病

Somebody's always sayin goodbye   总有人离开

Taxi cabs leave in the night   出租车在半夜上路

Greyhound buses with red tail lights   巴士尾灯闪烁

Someone's leavin and someone's left behind   一些人离开 一些人却还在

Well i dont know how things got that way   我不明白事情怎么会这样

But every place you look these days   但如今不论何处 只要你放眼望去

Somebody's always sayin goodbye  总有人离开

Take two people like me and you   就拿你我来说吧

We could have made it   我们本可以在一起

We just quit too soon  可惜我们太早放弃

Oh the two of us   哦 我们两人

We could have had it all   本可以拥有幸福

If we'd only tried   只要当初再努力一些

But that's the way love is, it seems   但似乎爱就是如此

Just when you've got a real good thing   正当你得到了真爱

Somebody's always sayin goodbye   总有人离开

Somebody's always sayin goodbye   总有人离开

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